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As the premier virtual health event for the spondyloarthritis community, the 5th Annual Global Spondyloarthritis Summit features renowned rheumatologists and other health experts who provide the most up-to-date findings, medically reliable, and comprehensive information on essential topics that matter to those living with the disease. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with the disease for years, the Summit is your opportunity to learn tips and tools for managing your symptoms while also connecting with others.
Under the theme “Moving Together Towards Better Health Outcomes” this year’s program features 12 experts from the international community who will discuss topics such as Flares and Possible Triggers; SpA Research Updates; Sleep Issues; Women & SpA; Diet & Nutrition; Surgery & Joint Replacement Recommendations; Cardiovascular Disease, and more! Take a look at the full list of planned topics.
May 5, 2023 09:00
What is Spondyloarthritis? An Overview.
Christine Stamatos, DNP, ANP-C
Medications for SpA - Including New (i.e. JAKs) and What's on the Horizon. Drug Combinations & Interactions.
Speaker Robert Inman MD, FRCPC, FACP, FRCP (Edin)
SpA Research Update (Advanced Topic)
Speaker Kristi Kuhn, MD, PhD.
May 3, 2024 09:15
Cardiovascular Disease and Spondyloarthritis
Jean Liew, MD, MS
May 5, 2023 14:00
When is Spine Surgery Recommended?
Albert Wong, MD
May 5, 2023 15:00
The Role of Genetics in Spondyloarthritis. Genes Associated (HLA-B27 and Beyond), Heritability (Advanced Topic)
Judith Smith, MD, PhD.
May 6, 2023 08:15
Morning Movement: Belly Dancing
May 6, 2023 09:00
Women & Spondyloarthritis: Childbearing Years Through Menopause
Peter Taylor, MA, PhD., FRCP, FRCPE
May 6, 2023 09:30
Q&A -- Women & Spondyloarthritis: Childbearing Years Through Menopause
Peter Taylor, MA, PhD., FRCP, FRCPE
May 6, 2023 10:00
Sleep & Spondyloarthritis
Soha Dolatabadi, MD
May 6, 2023 10:30
Q&A -- Sleep & Spondyloarthritis
Soha Dolatabadi, MD
May 6, 2023 11:00
We’d Like to Know: Cannabis Update
Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, MD
May 6, 2023 11:30
Q&A -- We’d Like to Know: Cannabis Update
Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, MD
May 6, 2023 13:00
Diet & Nutrition: How/Why Does Gut Microbiome Affect Spondyloarthritis (Advanced Topic)
Mathew Stoll, MD, PhD., MSCS
May 6, 2023 13:30
Q&A -- Diet & Nutrition: How/Why Does Gut Microbiome Affect Spondyloarthritis (Advanced Topic)
Mathew Stoll, M.D., PhD., MSCS
May 6, 2023 14:00
Flares: Possible Triggers to Avoid & How to Treat a Flare
Pendleton Wickersham, MD, FACP
May 6, 2023 14:30
Q&A -- Flares: Possible Triggers to Avoid & How to Treat a Flare
Pendleton Wickersham, MD, FACP
May 6, 2023 15:00
Tai Chi: Meditation in Motion with Live Demonstration
Soneka Lee, DPT
May 6, 2023 15:30
Q&A -- Tai Chi: Meditation in Motion with Live Demonstration
Soneka Lee, DPT